\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "


\n"; // kvuli SEO - h1 musi bzt na HP jako prvni /*if ($config["homepage_disciplines_location"]!="top") echo "\n".fullpage($s, "home", $lang)."\n\n";*/ echo " \n"; // NOVE - rozlišujeme hledani podle lang při plných výpisech dle disciplín, bylo by to matoucí to mít jazykově indifierentní // $config["logo-homepage"] = "img/" . $config["city"] . "/logo-faculty-homepage-" . $lang . ".svg"; // logo-faculty-homepage-cs.svg echo "
".get_lang("Rychlé vyhledávání").": ".render_cat_menu("", "anchors")."
\n"; ///////////////// vypis oborů $result = db_dotaz("SELECT * FROM disciplines ORDER BY title_$lang"); $num_of_cats = db_num_rows($result); $boxstuff ="
\n"; // začátek sloupce //
".get_lang("Obsah kategorizovaný dle lékařských disciplín")."
$i = 1; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $title = $row["title_$lang"]; $q="SELECT aid FROM articles WHERE disciplines_id LIKE '%(".$row['disid'].")%' AND language='$lang' AND aktivni='1' AND dokonceno='1'"; $num = db_num_rows(db_dotaz($q)); $boxstuff .= "
\n"; if (($i==ceil($num_of_cats / 4)) or ($i == 2*ceil($num_of_cats / 4)) or ($i == 3*ceil($num_of_cats / 4))) { // 4 sloupce $boxstuff .= " \n
\n"; //novy sloupec } $i++; } // end while $boxstuff .= "
\n"; echo $boxstuff; echo "
\n"; //if ($config["homepage_disciplines_location"]=="top") echo "\n".fullpage($s, "home", $lang)."\n\n"; //////------------------------ vypis ANOTACI $search_url=$config["search_url_$lang"]; $result = db_dotaz("SELECT assoc_aid_left, assoc_aid_right FROM fullpages WHERE url_page='home' AND aktivni='1' AND dokonceno='1' AND language='$lang' LIMIT 1"); $aa=db_fetch_assoc($result); $logged_level = get_logged_level($config["shibboleth_allowed"]); $articles_left = $articles_right = array(); echo "
\n"; if ($aa["assoc_aid_left"]!="") { $item = array(); $vybrane_ids = string2array($aa["assoc_aid_left"]); $aids = implode(",", $vybrane_ids); $vysledek = db_dotaz("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE aid IN ($aids) AND aktivni='1' AND dokonceno='1'"); // nelimitovano podle jazyka !!! while ($a=db_fetch_assoc($vysledek)) $item[$a["aid"]]=array("title"=>$a["title"],"author_tid"=>$a["author_tid"],"disciplines_id"=>$a["disciplines_id"], "min_priv"=>$a["min_priv"], "cc"=>$a["cc"],"counter"=>$a["counter"], "kontext"=>$a["kontext"],"anotation"=>$a["anotation"], "other_authors"=>$a["other_authors"], "anotation_img"=>$a["anotation_img"], "publication_time"=>$a["publication_time"], "lastmod_time"=>$a["lastmod_time"], "language"=>$a["language"]); // pripadne doplnit foreach ($vybrane_ids as $id) { // vypis dle zvoleneho poradi if (!$item[$id]) continue; else $r = $item[$id]; // pokud bylo vybrane id nenalezeno // extract($r); // language .... pouzije se i pro popisky jazyk clanku $articles_left[] = themeArticlePerex($id, $r, "trunc"); } } // end if($a["assoc_aid_left"]!="") { if ($aa["assoc_aid_right"]!="") { $item = array(); $vybrane_ids = string2array($aa["assoc_aid_right"]); $aids = implode(",", $vybrane_ids); $vysledek = db_dotaz("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE aid IN ($aids) AND aktivni='1' AND dokonceno='1'"); while ($a=db_fetch_assoc($vysledek)) $item[$a["aid"]]=array("title"=>$a["title"],"author_tid"=>$a["author_tid"],"disciplines_id"=>$a["disciplines_id"], "min_priv"=>$a["min_priv"], "cc"=>$a["cc"],"counter"=>$a["counter"], "kontext"=>$a["kontext"],"anotation"=>$a["anotation"], "other_authors"=>$a["other_authors"], "anotation_img"=>$a["anotation_img"], "publication_time"=>$a["publication_time"], "lastmod_time"=>$a["lastmod_time"], "language"=>$a["language"]); // pripadne doplnit foreach ($vybrane_ids as $id) { // vypis dle zvoleneho poradi if (!$item[$id]) continue; else $r = $item[$id]; // pokud bylo vybrane id nenalezeno $articles_right[] = themeArticlePerex($id, $r, "trunc"); } } // end if($a["assoc_aid_right"]!="") { $rows_count = (count($articles_left) > count($articles_right)) ? count($articles_left) : count($articles_right); for ($i = 0; $i < $rows_count; $i++) { echo "
\n"; // id="article_list_eq" echo "
\n" . (isset($articles_left[$i]) ? $articles_left[$i] : "") . "
\n"; echo "
\n" . (isset($articles_right[$i]) ? $articles_right[$i] : "") . "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; // end echo "
\n"; echo "
\n\n"; //////------------------------ konec vypisu ANOTACI $lang = "en";//- obnoveni global lang echo "
\n"; // end
echo "\n"; } elseif ($f == "search" || $f == "feedback") { echo "
\n"; // login__container ... kvuli paddingu if (!empty($h1)) echo "


\n"; if (is_file($content_file)) require($content_file); elseif (fullpage($s, $f, $lang) != "") echo "\n".fullpage($s, $f, $lang)."\n\n"; echo "\n
\n\n"; } else { //------------------- ostatní FULL container stránky if (is_file($content_file)) require($content_file); elseif (fullpage($s, $f, $lang)!="") echo "\n".fullpage($s, $f, $lang)."\n\n"; else echo '

Page not found.

'; } themefooter();